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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hi from Rog again--

New Moon Festival
We woke to loud music about 4 am on the second day of the second month ( chinese calendar). The villagers had been up late and dogs had been barking much of the night along with roosters crowing so it felt like a long night with many interruptions. After breakfast of tea and oatmeal Steve and Rog worked on screening the end of the latrine pit. Before we got much done we were invited to come and eat with the men at Xiang's house. We were offered some of the choice parts of the meal( chicken head, chicken foot) but they were not offended when we passed on those. Another dish had chicken intestines mixed with blood which was not my favorite. The deep fried bread and pumpkin were good and easy to grab with my chopsticks. Before eating the old man ( La Boa) took several bowls of food and placed them on the mantle as an offering to the ancestors then squatted and sang as he slowly spooned rice from another bowl onto a very short stool. I think he was asking the ancestors to help bring rain for the crop they hope to plant soon. After much feasting and toasting with rice wine (tasted a lot like firewater to me), Steve and Roger went back to our job but only to be pulled away to another house and another meal with almost all the same village men. Again much toasting and some cigarettes (its ok to just light it and let it burn) and we went back to finish our job.

Bull Fight
Good thing it was a small job because we were next invited to go to the bullfight which was in the next village. We walked part way then a motorcycle from the village picked me up and I rode the rest of the way sandwiched between two of the village men. There was a country fair atmosphere with food booths and large crowds of people gathered about the fenced in area. Many bulls were tied about the grounds and a couple were led into the ring where groups of men talked and probably decided which one would win the fight. Then the bulls were led close to each other and their lead ropes were removed. After a brief hesitation they lowered their heads and locked horns close to the ground. Pushing and straining with all they had they tried to force the other one back until one gave up and turning away quickly made an escape. No damage...just a fun way to spend the day for people who usually spend day after day tending their mountain terraces. After Rog left Jane stayed for a while. Being the only white person around, she got lots of stares. One lady came up to her and jabbered away as though they were best friends. After quite a long wait to see another bull fight, Jane got up close to the fence to get pictures. She got one taken when suddenly she was hanked back and pulled away--it was her friend "saving her"--so much for getting pictures!! Sure made her friend feel proud.

Motorcycle Accident
Leaving the bullfight we once again headed to Rao Ma Lu. On the way we came upon a motorcycle lying on its side and in the middle of the road was an unconscious man lying face down. We stayed with him until he came around and helped him off the road. When an ambulance was on its way we left him to the local population. The man had a large gash above on his forehead which looked very bad but he probably will be fine after some stitches. We were annoyed that a man and his wife were close by the scene of the accident but had been afraid to get involved so stayed away until we arrived. When asked for water and a blanket they refused to help. Our interpreter said that they were very selfish people. They had let him lay in the middle of the road for about three minutes before we got there. Later I found out once the man was conscious they realized that they actually knew the man.

The people we have met and seen do not fit the stereotype that I somehow have visualized of the chinese people. Why would that surprise me? I probably got it from watching cartoons and comic strips and an occasional picture in the paper or TV. Instead we see chinese of many shapes and shades with features that are as varied as the people we see in America. Part of the joy of traveling is finding out not how we are different but how much we are alike. The people do not seem to be under scrutiny and seem also to be able to conduct business as they choose. That is another surprise as I expected much more control over their every lives.