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Sunday, January 29, 2023

Gambia #6

On Friday, Rog biked to the bike shop to pay for the parts he'd put on the Gunjur Project bikes and then headed out to explore. Here's his writing:
" As I was a riding through the local neighborhood, I came across several boys walking toward me. The boys are sent out to the bush to cut firewood so they carry sharp machetes. I stopped and one of the boys (in the red gillie suit) came right up to me slapping the blades together many times making very sharp and threatening sounds. 🙈I laughed and asked him if it would be OK if I snapped his photo. I was a bit relieved when he agreed. 😀 I have now learned that when a Mandinka child is circumcised they send out someone to chase away evil spirits. He is called a kankaran.
 As I continued through the neighborhood, I came upon a lush garden filled with onions, tomatoes, peppers, and more. The kids were very happy to pose for a photo."
I went off to school. The head master ask me to write in the visitor's book which asked for name, country, comments and suggestions. At the end of morning assembly, he awarded me with certificate and read aloud what I had written. I got what they always do-"a big clap, and another and then a bigger one." I spent time in each classroom soaking up their smiles and watching them excitingly explore books! As the kids left, I gave them each a candy & said goodbye. I then talked individually to each teacher leaving them with a suggestions and asked them to share with the others and then gave them a handful of candy. It would be wonderful to see if they use the suggestions but I suspect, rote learning will remain the main teaching method. Several kids joined me on my walk back to Gunjur Project. One 10-12 year old asked me to teach him. So we sat down on a shaded ridge & I typed words on my phone for him to read and then put them into a sentence. We also did a few math problems. He was a smart boy eager to learn! By then, several kids had gathered so I played "Doggie, Doggie where's your shoe?" (Using his shoe—why not?). They loved it. I also showed them how to play thumb war. Both of these games I had taught kids/teachers at school. I love teaching these simple games in hopes it'll bring them some fun. Back at GP, the pool was calling. Then I finished up organizing & straightening the GP library. We said goodbye to Mark & Carol and now it's just us. The staff is working hard preparing for a big group coming in a few days. Sat & Sun were down days. We researched plans for the next two weeks and met with Jenny who set up a 3 day trip to the interior of Gambia with a driver she approved of. We did a bunch of calculating to figure out how many dalasi we needed to pay our bill here plus $50 tip, the next 3 day trip, set up a bike fund of $75 for Mary Jo gave me $$ before we left and then have some dalasi to buy food/taxi rides etc when we get to our airbnb after our trip. Total was 77,000 dalasi ! We paid Jenny via PayPal and she then handed us 4 huge wads of dalasi. Felt like we'd robbed a bank!! Rog replaced a tube on a GP bike giving the old tube to Brendan saying he knew he'd find a use for it!
We then did some repacking so we could be down to just 2 suitcases having given away books, teacher supplies, bike pump & patches. Both days were hot so we took several dips in the pool. Rog went out for more bike rides while I caught up on my writing. Which I now am! Tonight we will order sweet & sour chicken again because it's the best we've ever tasted and of course, they'll serve us some delicious cake with ice cream! We have loved this place and all it does for this community and to the volunteers they encourage to come. We found a gem in Gambia!

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Re: Gambia #5

Love it!  What a gift you have given them. The gift to read. Glad you had such a great day 

On Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 1:41 PM Jane Boyce <> wrote:

My birthday!  Rog headed to the bike shop & I went to school where I spent the day in Level 1. At break, the head master asked if I had any suggestions.  After praising him for much of what they are doing, I noted there was a lot of down time especially while the teacher is taking attendance & collecting lunch money.  I also had noticed that the kids did not ever have the opportunity to look at books so why not then!  I told him he'd have to firmly set ground rules & tell the kids books were a gift that should get the utmost care.  I suggested the books to be sitting on their desk when they came in.  He said he thought that was brilliant and he loved having visitors improve his school.  I left hoping for the best.  At dinner, the staff presented me with a birthday cake with two speakers.  Delicious chocolate cake & ice cream was served to us and all the staff!  Then a band came & played for us.  It was only Carol & Mark and us but they put on a great show playing the kora, two sets of drums and had a singer.  Two locals came over and started dancing & encouraged us to join them.  We tried to mimic their moves.  Rog said he felt like Steve Martin in the Jerk!  The last song was a happy birthday to me.  I spent the next hour responding to birthday messages and went to bed feeling very blessed.
Up and out the next morning Rog took another Gunjur Project bike to work on.  He was walking it cause the gears were messed up.  A young man stopped & helped him and then ask for payment.  Fortunately he had his left over breakfast of French toast & a pb&j sandwich which the young man gladly took.  As it turned out, the wife of one of the mechanics brought everyone lunch so Rog joined them happily. His words:   They gave me part of a baguette and we all gathered around the dish which was put on the cement floor of the bike shop porch( our work area). Using just the bread everyone soaked up the spicy liquid and pulled out parts of the fish for their lunch.  I shared a small amount.  Pretty 🌶!
And me…I got the best ever belated birthday gift!!  When I got to school, there were books on each kids desk!  At the end of the morning assembly, the head master asked me to talk to the kids about the books.  I told the kids that there was a gift on their desk & then explained the rules which the head master translated with much enthusiasm & emphasized the care needed.  Then every kids went to their desk and quietly enjoyed books!!  I went from room to room showing proper orientation, pointing out things in pictures and smiling from ear to ear.  I later talked to the teacher who liked it also.  One asked me to read to a small group and another to the class.  I cleaned up each classroom library taking the books in poor shape to the office.  Who knows how long these books had just sat there.  So finally, books were a part of their days!!
Wednesday we were suppose to go on an outing but the Land Rover wouldn't start so Rog went off to the bike shop.  I offered to help sort & straighten the Gunjur Project library.  They have lots of books and it needed some TLC.  We ate dinner with Carol & Mark again…which we have the last several nights as we are the only guest right now.  They are travelers too so we have a lot to talk about.  All of us are especially enjoying the sweet & sour chicken meal so it seems we order that most often.  We all have devoured their desserts.  Tonight it was coconut cake & ice cream.  Sweet way to end the day!

Gambia #5

My birthday! Rog headed to the bike shop & I went to school where I spent the day in Level 1. At break, the head master asked if I had any suggestions. After praising him for much of what they are doing, I noted there was a lot of down time especially while the teacher is taking attendance & collecting lunch money. I also had noticed that the kids did not ever have the opportunity to look at books so why not then! I told him he'd have to firmly set ground rules & tell the kids books were a gift that should get the utmost care. I suggested the books to be sitting on their desk when they came in. He said he thought that was brilliant and he loved having visitors improve his school. I left hoping for the best. At dinner, the staff presented me with a birthday cake with two speakers. Delicious chocolate cake & ice cream was served to us and all the staff! Then a band came & played for us. It was only Carol & Mark and us but they put on a great show playing the kora, two sets of drums and had a singer. Two locals came over and started dancing & encouraged us to join them. We tried to mimic their moves. Rog said he felt like Steve Martin in the Jerk! The last song was a happy birthday to me. I spent the next hour responding to birthday messages and went to bed feeling very blessed.
Up and out the next morning Rog took another Gunjur Project bike to work on. He was walking it cause the gears were messed up. A young man stopped & helped him and then ask for payment. Fortunately he had his left over breakfast of French toast & a pb&j sandwich which the young man gladly took. As it turned out, the wife of one of the mechanics brought everyone lunch so Rog joined them happily. His words: They gave me part of a baguette and we all gathered around the dish which was put on the cement floor of the bike shop porch( our work area). Using just the bread everyone soaked up the spicy liquid and pulled out parts of the fish for their lunch. I shared a small amount. Pretty 🌶!
And me…I got the best ever belated birthday gift!! When I got to school, there were books on each kids desk! At the end of the morning assembly, the head master asked me to talk to the kids about the books. I told the kids that there was a gift on their desk & then explained the rules which the head master translated with much enthusiasm & emphasized the care needed. Then every kids went to their desk and quietly enjoyed books!! I went from room to room showing proper orientation, pointing out things in pictures and smiling from ear to ear. I later talked to the teacher who liked it also. One asked me to read to a small group and another to the class. I cleaned up each classroom library taking the books in poor shape to the office. Who knows how long these books had just sat there. So finally, books were a part of their days!!
Wednesday we were suppose to go on an outing but the Land Rover wouldn't start so Rog went off to the bike shop. I offered to help sort & straighten the Gunjur Project library. They have lots of books and it needed some TLC. We ate dinner with Carol & Mark again…which we have the last several nights as we are the only guest right now. They are travelers too so we have a lot to talk about. All of us are especially enjoying the sweet & sour chicken meal so it seems we order that most often. We all have devoured their desserts. Tonight it was coconut cake & ice cream. Sweet way to end the day!

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Gambia #4

It's the weekend! We climbed into the back of the Land Rover and headed out to visit Ibrahim at his home. He was happy to introduce us to his family, take a family photo, give us some fresh oranges and show us his bike shop he has at his home. Mostly a tool box & a pile of old bikes. Then we went to Kartong—a small busy village on the banks of a tributary to The Gambia River. It was nice to see where most people live, work & shop around here. We took a short boat ride passing Pelican Island (only 5 there) and checked out the oysters growing on the mangrove roots. We watched women digging for cackles which reminded Rog of a song he sang in grade school: "Singing Cackles & mussels, Alive, Alive Oh". He'd always wondered what cackles were. Roads here are mostly sand with major pot holes so when you reach a paved one…it's wonderful. We traveled in the back of the Land Rover with Omar telling us about what we're passing & shouting to most people we pass with both laughing every time. He says he doesn't need to know them to joke with them. We know two words in Mandinka: twobob (means white person derived from two bits-UK $) and minty (candy). We hear both often! Spent the rest of the relaxing and getting acquainted with Mark & Carol from Scotland. They'd spend they day doing workshops for local groups: Mark does photography & Carol taught how to make a hand bag with a pattern on a sewing machine to a group of young girls. Also Gunjur Project hired a soccer team to make cement blocks. They mixed up the cement by hand, poured it into a mold, then quickly pulled the mold off. All amazingly fast! They made 994 blocks in a few hours earning about $85 dollars which they'll use for soccer equipment. It seems Gunjur Project is helping out everywhere in this community!
Sunday we met up with Brandon (one of the owners) and a group of local kids he's gotten interested in birding. We walked with them to a local forest. We spotted lots of birds, plants with medicinal use, and a crocodile. We had a quick lunch then headed to Lamin Lodge….slowly. After jostling about for about an hour, we arrived. It is considered as one of the top sites to see. We were a bit unimpressed is an understatement. The boat ride was way more than we imagined…about $35 each. We got into a small boat along with Carol & Mark & Adama. We paddled about 20 minuted and then stepped out into the mucky ground. It was low tie. We slowly made our way until we came to a steam through the mangrove. We walked slowly, slipping often spotting mud skippers (frog head, fish body), oysters and crabs. We finally arrived at the main attraction: a huge Baobab tree which we crawled inside of. Of course we had to tip them too. Monday morning, Jenny (owner) had heard how much we paid and had Omar call them and renegotiate the price. It was the first time Adama had been there and they had way over charged us. Jenny gave us back half the money we'd spent saying she'd make sure that didn't happen again! We learned an important lesson that may help us when we're out and about on our own.

Gambia #3

The next two days were very much like the day before with Rog at the bike shop and me at the school. Rog is impressed with Ibrahim who he says performs magic on bikes.  He is learning lots from him and has been invited to his home.  It's a busy place with people stopping by constantly and negotiating for bikes & parts.  Teacher's are asking for suggestions but I hesitate to say too much…not that I don't have some!  There's  too much dead time and shouting lessons.  Not enough books and no reading aloud.  Only half the teachers are qualified but others are still going to school.  Teacher's training here consist of going to classes during their breaks—about 3 months a year—for 2 years.  Gunjur project sponsors some of their education.  When I arrive in the morning, fun music is blaring as the kids play.  At 8:30 the bell rings & kids line up for morning assembly…which last about 30-45 minutes.  They sing lots of songs like If you're happy & you know it, Days of the Week & Months, and even You are my Sunshine!  They also recite the date, review a color/shape/body part etc lesson, tell name of their town, country & president and finally sing the national anthem:

"For The Gambia, our homeland, 
We strive and work and pray,
That all may live in unity,
Freedom and peace each day.
Let justice guide our actions
Towards the common good,
And join our diverse peoples
To prove man's brotherhood. 
We pledge our firm allegiance,
Our promise we renew;
Keep us, great God of nations,
To The Gambia ever true."

Wish those words become reality here…and everywhere.
They have a lesson plan prepared for the teachers from area complete with objectives and lots of interactive activities.  Students & teachers shout and repeat most everything they say.  Overall they seem very happy.
I've been walking the 1 km back each day which has allowed me to get a better feel for the area and a chance to get some nice pictures.  A good lunch, cold Coke and cool pool awaits me when I get back around 2 …Rog about 3.  We order dinner around 6…play cards while we wait and then feast on the delicious meal.  Email, facebook, news and reading finishes up the day.  Pretty perfect.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Gambia #2

Rested and ready to go, we took off for the local bike shop about a 20 minute walk. The shop is run by a man who has connection with a NGO that sends crates of old bikes & bike parts from UK. He and 2 other mechanics fix them and sell them for a very reasonable price. He also will house volunteers who come to work. Omar took us along with his own bike that needed repair. It didn't take Rog long to find his groove and soon was working right along with the others. He had Omar's bike fixed so he and I headed back as Rog now has a bike to ride to and from the shop! Happy boy! Omar filled me in on more Gambian culture info: men can have more than one wife, extended families live together in a compound—many owned by a family member who works in UK/US, very little alcohol as over 90% Muslim, only one university in Gambia, virtually no industry, farming is just to feed family with a bit left to sell to buy fish. Gunjur Project sponsors a women's garden which we walked through. Several wells had been hand dug complete with pulley & bucket to lower and then water rows & rows & rows of crops. Last rain was October & drought will last until July-Aug.
I took a dip in the cool pool, ate a chicken fajita sandwich, French fries & a cold Coke while I waited for Rog to get back. My plan to be at a school today was cancelled as school was closed for teacher training. Tomorrow…as they say in so many hot countries!
Next mornin Adana walked with me the km to the Kulukochi Community Pre-School. The headmaster gave me some background information about the school which opened in 2015 thanks mostly to the help they got from the Gunjur Project. Kids 4 - 8 who live in this area get a rich foundation in well-equipped classrooms. Curriculum is theme based with all four classrooms focusing on the same. Headmaster had a chart listing # of b/g and their tribes. Mandinka is the majority, Fula next with 5 others. He was enthusiastic and obviously loved his job. He had me join a Lever 1 class where a young girl, Laura from Germany was there fulfilling her volunteer obligation for 10 months. She was easy to talk to. I slipped in where I could and time flew. Adana & I headed back after the kids left around 12:50. We got picked up by is buddy driving a cab. A quick dip in the pool and another good lunch then some catching up in my blog filled the afternoon. Rog had a good time at the bike shop. He's enjoying working with the local guys and riding Omar's bike back & forth though it's a trick to ride on the sandy, rough roads & alleys but he's up to the challenge! He comes back tired but satisfied. The kitchen has been sending him a sandwich to take with him but he doesn't eat it til he gets back & then he jumps in the pool.
We've been eating dinner around 7 pm. Food is delicious & plentiful. We've had dessert every night—no weight loss for sure! Last night a kora player entertained us. It's an instrument with 11 strings. We go to bed tired and happy.

Gambia #1

We made it…48 hours after leaving home!  Let me say from the get go…this blog will NOT be polished or spell checked or anything checked as I have spotty internet if any and therefore, I just want get 'er dun.  
We left home on Fri the 13th…always a lucky day for us.  We'd wondered since it'd had been such a worrisome fiasco getting our visas which ended with our passports in the lake…but that's another long story.  We left our house at 10 am and Ben took us to the airport.  Our first flight was canceled.  Warning 3.  We choice to take another flight to Montreal know our 2nd flight wouldn't be until tomorrow.  Montreal had a snow & ice everywhere.  We took an Uber to a hotel & slept well.  Woke late & read until noon.  Our next flight was to Paris which took off at 6 pm, 6 hours flight, 6 hour layover and then 6 hours to Banjur arriving at 9:30 PM, Sun 1/15…very tired.  Lemin was there to take us to Gunjur Project.  This is run by a family from UK who worked with at risk kids and thought they'd truly benefit from seeing how many other live and let them have the experience of helping those less fortunate.  Since they couldn't find a secure and adequate place in Gambia…they decided to build one and then host groups & others who want to volunteer while they travel.  Perfect fit for us.  
Our room is quite nice with flush toilet, warm shower & fan.  We slept well and ate a bountiful breakfast of omelets, potato sauce & orange juice.  We met the owners;  Jo, Butch, Brandon & Jenny who have been here 16 years and improving the community in so many ways!  Omar took us for a walk around the neighborhood.  We walked by hoes & stores where poverty was loud and clear.  Trash was abundant.  So sad plastic, cans & pampers replaced baskets, clay pots & cloth.  Our walk took us to a gorgeous mosque which looked over the ocean.  Most Gambians are Muslims.  The ocean breeze was welcomed!  A few kids frolicked naked in the waves Then we meandered through the fishing center.  So many fish in humungous plastic bowls being cleaned by mostly women many with babies strapped to the backs or running about.  Somehow many were carrying those bowls on their heads without holding on.  How did they get them up there???  Hundred of colorful boats painted with unique designed were in the water and on the shore.  Some being pushed onto the shore by men using chants to move in sync.  Fish was being fried over coal fires & sold as we watched.  In another cement building, thousands of fish were being smoked…can't imagine a hotter job.  I felt like I was walking through a National Geographic documentary.  Omar told us most were Mandinka and they didn't want us to take pictures so I tried to let the scene sink deep in my memory.  
We got back to our room, laid on our solar beds with the fan blowing on us and it seemed even nicer than when we got here!  Last week we were at the height of luxury in an all-inclusive resort in Cancun.  Such a vast difference!  Pizza & Yassa for lunch and Sweet & Sour chicken (fresh pineapple was divine) and benachin for dinner…you can guess who ate what.  No Diet Coke so I drank Coke…poor me.  We have weak or no internet but did get a few pictures sent to our kids.  All is well in Gambia!