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Saturday, March 7, 2020

Why the high unemployment rate? -Roger

Why the high unemployment rate? Searching for an answer, I found buried near the bottom of a list of possible reasons... "Cultural Differences".
Maybe it should be closer to the top of the list!

If one tribe was stronger, the men would take women and girls from neighboring tribes. In Lesotho they told us that the girls' hut was placed close to the entry of their village. This would enable enemies to take the girls immediately upon invading the village. That might buy them some time, allowing them to defend themselves. It was not seen as a bad thing if the girls were taken by another group because the girls would then be married.
Living in a tribe probably did not prepare the men to become role model fathers for modern families. The chief of the tribe that formed Lesotho had 140 wives. Male visitors to his compound were allowed to visit his wives but were required to leave their walking stick by the front entrance of the hut while inside. Their expectations were far different from expectations today.
Today, husbands are expected to be faithful and work to provide for their wife and children. The men have not had role models that showed, through their example, the way to be faithful providers.
Women in Botswana told us that it is common for a husband to have four girlfriends.
In Mozambique we were told that blacks think they are not stealing if they take something that is not needed or anything that is not being used. Also the mindset that one person shouldn't have more wealth than the others in the tribe leads to the idea that you should share what you have if you have more than others in your tribe. So...if you are not sharing what you have then others may take some of what you have.
Years ago while in Kenya, we were told that to be greedy is considered to be the worst possible trait. In that culture you must give what you have if someone comes to you in need. This is how they care for all in their tribe. It also prevents one individual from becoming rich and being "above", or better than the rest. Troubles are shared by all and no one gets a free pass. So why should they work and make a lot of money? They will just feel obligated to turn it over to others who need it more than they do. Why take responsibility for a wife and children? The community of women have always managed together to do what needs to be done.

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