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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Update #2

This morning Rog fixed his famous frittata and he & Zach gobbled that up then took off to cut up a huge tree that took all morning. I started calling trying to scratch up volunteers. Mostly I only left messages or emailed. The few I actually talked to didn't leave me feeling too hopeful. Twenty-six churches/groups and nothing for sure. As I mentioned, we're staying in a church has. It has 3 kids' rooms that needed cleaning. So as a thank you for letting us bunk here & use their kitchen, I cleaned the rooms. Guys got back around 6:30 for soup supper. Chainsaw needed sharpening so Rog did that while I put together a work list for tomorrow. Next day, I rode to the sites with the guys & made lots more phone calls as they guys worked on more trees. If yard stuff or small debris needed to get moved, that was my job. Rog is doing lots of chainsawing but luckily, he doesn't seem to have stirred up his back/hip pain. Zach runs the skid load with ease & accuracy. When the saw blades got dull, we headed back to base. We'd put a roast in a slow cooker so dinner was ready for us & we were ready for it! Next day, off to another site where a huge double tree had split right down the middle and fell in opposite directions! After several hours, the saw quit so off we went to find a repair shop. They said it would probably be a couple months before we got it back. Inspiritus has several more so it won't stop us…but somebody ought to open another chainsaw repair shop cause there's lots of chainsawing needing down around here!! After we stopped at base to pick up another saw, we were back at it. We come "home" tired but satisfied. Rog sent a picture of our bedroom to our kids…Jake responded saying it looked like we'd been to Good Will and made it a CRC (Chelsea Retirement Community) room. Kinda does remind of that except we sleep on air mattresses & not in hospital beds! Whatever, we feel like it's home and both sleep well.
Our next several days filled up with more chainsawing, moving debris, making phone calls & lining up assessments, and meeting homeowners. Rog seems to be enjoying cutting up the trees—some humongous ones. Zach grabs them with the claws on the skid loader & piles them up by the roadside for the city to pick up. He probably can easily pick up a toy in one of those claw game machines! And me, I'm good at filling out assessments, making phone calls & chatting with the homeowners.
Good news, one more Inspiritus volunteer, Shannon is here and I've got lots of "fishing poles" out there hoping for more!

Monday, January 13, 2025

Update 1

 Intro: So we're off again…too cold to stay home and adventure calls. As always, I will NOT be editing. I write these updates mostly so I can record our daily happenings so they don't get lost in my fading memory. I send them to you so you can trash them, skim them or maybe they'll make you smile. Please let me know if you'd prefer not to get the updates and I'll remove your name and it will not hurt my feelings!! Really!

Jan 8
We took off around 9 heading for Gibsonia to see Jake's family. David had a wrestling meet so we made it in plenty of time to see him work out with his team and then congratulate him on his wrestling. Elin, Tim, (her boyfriend )and the rest of the family waited for us to get home to celebrate Elin's 18th birthday. Can't imagine she's that old already. Next night, Elin & I cooked a Thai dinner and Addie made a scrumptious coffee cake. Mmm. Next morning, Sarah took us to the airport where we caught a flight to Savannah, GA. Since Hurricane Helene had caused so much destruction last October, we decided to do most our volunteer work here in the States. Back in November, we tried to sign up to help with All Hands & Hearts working in N. Caroline. They had too many volunteers already. We tried Red Cross. Same story. We tried Samaritan Purse. Same story. I remembered a friend we'd met while working with All H & H had started a disaster relief group, Inspiritus & sent a message to her. She immediately called me up & said, we need you in Georgia! They are not getting much help. She even offered to fly us there (using a non-profit that collects donated miles). So off we went. For 10 days stayed at an United Methodist church camp in a bunk house. We were asked to do assessments which meant we drove all over, meeting homeowners & assessing their damage. Then we wrote up a report which was turned over to the people doing the work. We met about 60 people who were very glad to see us! We were thanked & blessed over and over. Humbling. So we agreed to join Inspiritus again after the holidays. So here we are again in Georgia…Savannah. We are staying in an United Methodist church's community hall. We have our air mattresses set up in the room where brides dress. Not bad! Zach is the project manager and Bill (a pilot) is the only other volunteer!! They have chain saws & a skid loader. While they work, Rog & I use an app that list all the people who have applied for help. Total for the entire area hit by Helene is over 50,000. Rog zeros in on an area close to us, we call them to set up a meeting and after we get about 8, off we go to assess the damage & write a report. If it's small job, we do it. It feels so good to change a red dot to a green dot!
Sunday morning is not a good time for reaching people…but a good time to go to church. This UM church service is very much like our home church in the 1960's. They also had to vote about disaffiliation…and stayed UM by 1 vote. About 40% left so there were only about 50 people at the service. Sad. They have great facilities here but $$ is tight. After church, I made soup and then we made more phone calls & off to do more assessments. Monday we woke to rain. We already have lots of jobs lined up so it was a good day to do some grocery shopping, cleaning (I think the janitor isn't working) and made lasagna. Bill left so Zach is catching up on paper work and trying to line up more volunteers. I'll be calling around tomorrow to see if I can find some local volunteers.