You may not recognize Rog when he gets home so I thought I'd give you a warning: He has grown a beard, wears crocks daily, has a leather strap tried to his cracked glasses to protect them from any more attacks by the kids, prefers to walk in the street rather than the sidewalk...but weight and good nature is about the same!!
Saturday we head to the nearby park. Each volunteer is assigned a boy or two. First we pass a park full of fun equipment and lots of trees & flowers. It's locked. Then we go into the park that's mostly dirt with no equipment. Today we brought the kites Rog & I purchased that they had decorated yesterday during craft time. Most had so much glued on them we knew from the get go they would not fly--but then few boys can run very fast so atleast they could enjoy their fancy kites as they skimmed the ground behind them!!! Some kites lasted a few minutes and one made it the whole hour. The kites may not have soared--but spirits did as they enjoyed them!
Church with the kids is always lively and give us much to reflect on. When we arrive, the kids are dressed in their Sunday best and are practicing the songs they'll be singing. Both girls from the top floor and boys join together to make up this "choir." One of the boys plays the bongos & several shake tambourines. Louder is better in their minds. A priest comes and says mass and one of the boys serves as an altar boy--(a volunteer stands right outside the door to help whenever). The priest today talked about the day the children will get to turn in their earthly bodies for their heavenly bodies. Since most of them are deformed in some way, that message certainly meant more to them than it ever meant to me. Throughout the service, the kids are quieter and seem more in tune than any other time of the week. We feel honored to be there.