Recipe for Happy Children
Why are the children so happy with no fighting or jealousy? Tessanne replied “Teach children not want more thing….make do with what have. Work hard and do right thing. Rich selfish man have many thing but when in hospital is there by self. No visitor. Good person who does right thing have many friend and many visitor in hospital.”

Meaning of Life (from a book I (Roger) found in the “library” at Safe Haven)
Why do we try to create our own little worlds so we have the illusion of being completely in control of our entire existence, when we know with absolute certainty that we are not?
We all have filters on, so we mostly see only what we want to see. When you finally open your eyes, you may be shocked at the obscured way you have been viewing the world to suit your own little plans.
With those filters removed, you can take a closer look into yourself and ask objective questions about the universe and your place in it. In other words, investigate the meaning of life.
The only theme that resonates throughout the numerous popular theories is love. Love, in all its fragile forms, is the one powerful, enduring force that brings real meaning to our everyday lives.
The love of life itself brings with it the passion and understanding that some things are worth dying for, but there is so much more worth living for.
The love of life leads us to help others simply because it feels great to contribute to those around us.

Repairing the Water Supply
After running out of water a few times I asked to see where the valve is that controls the flow to our bath/ shower. Sometimes the valve is closed to allow the water to be directed to the fish pond/ garden area.
We discovered that the valve was open and still had no water so it was determined that the problem was uphill where the plastic water pipe had come apart at a connection. Several teenage boys worked to add additional pipe at the site of the problem then reconnected it. Next we took a short hike up to the source of our water. We walked up a clear mountain stream until we reached the place where it flowed out of the mountain. There a concrete barrier caught enough water to keep the end of the water pipe constantly under the surface and plastic screening acted as a filter to keep debris from enter the pipe. Sticks pushed into the ground surrounded the area to prevent cattle from getting close and fouling the water. I think I will continue to use bottled water when brushing my teeth!