What’s edible?
It seems most anything here. When ever we point out an insect we aren’t familiar with or is unusually large or show them pictures of insects or animals, the kids hold their fingers to their mouths, grin & pretend they are eating!! Snakes, frogs, spiders, rats…no wonder we haven’t seen any rats around. One day Cireo was crying & stopped when Gaudy fed him an ant!! They are constantly bringing us plants they have foraged to sample. Recently, the cook stopped by where I was teaching with her gathering & they kids begged for the dingy yellow fruit she was eating. After each kid gobbled down theirs, she handed me a bite. What could I do?? As my tongue touched it, my mouth instantly puckered & I couldn’t help but spit it out shouting “Yuck!” Not only was it horrid tasting but the smell…the cook & kids burst out laughing………all day, each time the cook saw me, she said “Yuck” & laughed some more.
Basketball rim:
No rim & you want to play basketball?? No problem. One kid climbed to the top of the soccer goal & held up a bicycle tire and the game began.

Because Just Because:
Elsi, where were you when we needed you most!! We were asked to teach Because Just Because to the kids. Let’s just say, neither of us are proud of how that’s going…even with Rog’s whistling talents.
Tasanne’s Trip to Bangkok:
Last week Tasanne, four of the older boys & many of her relative drove to Bangkok..(Elsi & Bob got out at Mae Sot) because Tasanne was accepting an award for good deeds from the Prime Minister and the boys were participating in a garden contest which they won!! They also did some sight seeing including a garden exhibit. When they got home, Tasanne asked the boys to tell the other children what they learned from the trip. They talked about how much they admired the people who were accepting awards & how they wished to do things for other also. They were also very excited about the garden they saw…and told the kids they wanted to plant much more around Safe Haven so they could have more food & it would be even more beautiful. Sure enough, the next day, they were out mulching and preparing places to plant more. The kids also got to see the pictures that were taken & they got most excited about the pictures of the pumpkins, squash & gourds. And it wasn’t because they wanted to make jack-o-lanterns or decorate with them. Their mouths were watering! Tasanee told the kids that if they do well & work hard, someday she will take them some place special also. Later she told us she likes to give the kids dreams and “want them to be able to step on her shoes.”
Each day…
Each day I’m here, it seems I notice something that somehow I’d overlooked. So often I skim the top layer of places I visit. It takes time to go deeper. I’m better at communicating with the kids & understanding their needs. Only this week I learned three of my a.m. students are siblings! And the kid we call our “stalker” and the girl who “leaches” on us--are siblings who fled Burma after being beaten & molested by their step father who then killed their mother in front of them. They are getting more hugs from us. And Elsi’s best piano student & my best p.m. English student are the cooks’ children. Both always excel at all the art projects I set out each day.
Things you see in Thailand:
Women smoking pipes & cigarettes
Much nose picking (Lisa Himle needs to come give her lesson)
Deep fried chicken legs
Jane wearing a crown of wild flowers woven for her by a loving girl
Roger with a full beard