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Monday, February 13, 2012

Where do I begin....We've done & seen so much since last I could spend time on a computer. First a quick correction on my lastupdate--the Tse boys will get to attend a gov't school. We are still in Kunming but headed to leprosy villages early tomorrow. Here's a bit of what we've been experiencing...

After spending a couple days with a local woman who was invited to join us because she'd worked with Renay, she wrapped her arm in min & invited us into her home. She beamed as we toured her 100 year old home filled with drying vegetables, wood stove, small kindkling sticks, piles of bagged clothing, mosq netted beds, ancestor worship altar... and TV...and flat screen computer! We even climbed the ladder for a view from the rooftop ducking the bambooo clothes lines. How authentic can you get?? This is the reason we travel the way we do!!

We expected to be cold in China--but not inside too!! Even though we stayed in one of the nicest homes in Taishan, it didn't have heat-nor did the fancy restraurant where we were served a 5 or 6 course meal by waitresses in pink coats--nor the bank or travel agency. Not anywhere!! Everyone wears their coats inside & outside and often with gloves if working cash registers. Our long underwear hasn't had a break!

Chairman Li
After yet a final feast prepared by Chairman Li & a neighbor, we hugged her & told her (through Jenny) that she was so kind & generous to us and she replied that it was our example--coming to help her people when we were not even Chinese--that she followed. Those words warmed my heart....and took all the chill out of the air!!

Off to Kunming
While flying to Kunming on Air China, we finally began to thaw out. Meizi & Yuan were waiting for us with huge smiles when we arrived. Both work for HANDA (an NGO helping lepers). With Yan at the wheel, we made our way to our hotel dodging traffice that weaved in & out, adding lanes at random with motorcyles & bicyles &pedestrians filling in any cracks. Bazaar!! We were rewarded with a warm hotel room with a hot shower!! The next morning we were greeted by the sun --first time since we arrived in China-- and the temperature was 20 C--so good!! This city is in the Yunnan province which is know as the Province of Eternal Spring....and boy is it nice to see it's true!! Many tress are in blossom & though most Chinese are wearing big coats...we took off our long underwear and are wearing light jackets.

High Rises
When I was trying to help my students understad number sense, I'd put marbles in jars & ask them to quess how many. As we drive through & around Kunming's miles of high rise housing, I started tryint o estimate the # of people: # of floors (@30) x number of housing units (@10) x # of people in each unit (@5) x # of high rises (too many to count)...only then did I begin to grasp what the meaning of their 1.4 population (USA is .4) Mind boggling. Can you even begin to imagine the amount of food, water, plumbing, electricity, waste control etc that is needed here???

More, More & More
Cranes are everywhere as more high rises are being built in tremendous numbers. One site we went by today had 25 high rises in construction...with bamboo sdcaffolding and mesh surrounding each.

Now we've seen why & where so much of what we buy in USA comes from! The factories are gigantic and they surround Kunming...and more are being built. There is housing on the site for most of the workers who we are told sleep 5 or ore to each housing unit.

Babies are adored here! Everyone I've seen has been bundled in many layers and carefully tended to. Their pants have a large slit up the back where their diaper hangs out. Many are being cared for by both grandparents. And for the first time in my life, I can't even smile at them!!! --because after I made three of them cry by trying, I realized I am only scaring them.

Few & Far Between
We've been in China a week now and seen less than 5 other caucasins & none with gray hair or as a couple. We've even had a lady ask to have her picure taken with us. And talk about getting stares!!!