Our last day in San Ignacia and full a full one. Our 9 a.m. ride arrived at 9:40 and after stopping to pick up kids a couple times, it dropped us at the bottom of the hill that leads to the leveled area called the Omega church. We quickly got 45 kids singing Alleluia! adding rounds & speed each time. Then we did a lesson on the two greatest commandments including games where you had to help your neighbor: put on gloves, move a rope ring to the next person, identify a neighbor with eyes closed & a version of 7 Up. We also read the bible story of the Good Samaritan and talked about ways each of them can be good Samaritans. Food arrived & quickly about 200 garnaches were assembled and gobbled up. We hitched a ride back to town and had Paula & Emmanuel join us for some peanuts, M & M's and lots of laughs as we shared stories. After they left, we went out for a hamburger & hot wings while watching a NFL playoff game. We ran into one of the girls we'd gotten to know a little & invited her & her Mom to our porch. She speaks just a little English & reads none so I wasted no time and spent the next hour tutoring. She was visibly pleased with her progress. Me too. Again we climbed into the truck, headed up the hill for another service. A pastor who'd earlier spent 3 months here, preached. Hugs all around ended the service. So many kids wrapped their arms around us--how blessed and loved we felt. They have so little yet they are so willing to share their love with us--who have so much.