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Monday, February 10, 2014
We set out for Jalapa which took us out into the mountains passing cactus, poor homes, seeing more litter & bars on windows and large industries...lots of truck traffic. Jalalpa is a large city and the first tuk tuk we saw was parked in a gas station...where luckily the gas attendant spoke some English so he happily told the tuk tuk driver where we wanted to go. He dropped us at the door of the Marta y Maria convent. Let me explain....last summer, Aaron's (our nephew) in-laws visited us in Michigan and told us their housekeeper, Rita was from Jalapa. I phoned her and asked if she knew of a place where we might do some volunteer work and she gave me the address of Marta y Maria. So with that little bit of information and our prayers asking God for guidance, we stood at the convent gate trusting we were in the right place. After several confusing minutes trying to use the little Spanish we know, another Sister was called who spoke some English. She led us into a room and said to please wait. Shortly she returned and led us into a courtroom filled with about 100 nuns and novices who broke into jubilant welcoming songs accompanied by guitars, three marimbas, a bass violin and drums!!! Finally they chanted with great vigor, "Bienvenidos y gracias!!" (Welcome and thank you for coming). My eyes filled with tears and my heart with gratitude. We were asked if we would honor them by joining them at their simple meal...rice, beans, boiled eggs, tomato sauce & honored guest they set before us toast and jam for dessert and coffee. Sister Monica from Kenya spoke English and sat with us a gave us some background infomation about the convent and their two missions in Jalapa. After we finished, the nuns again loudly chanted how pleased they were that we had come and eaten with them.