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Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Sister Ada meet us at 9 and told us what Mother thought we should do.  We will be teaching English to the 25 girls and nuns & novices...starting today at 3.  We worked on lesson plans, walked around looking for picture books, checked out websites for learning English, wandered through a huge market and spotted a Dominoes Pizzaria...guess where we ate lunch!!  When we arrived at the girl's home....they were all sitting in their chairs with notebooks & pencils in hand wearing their school uniforms.  We spent the next hour teaching...with lots of giggles & effort and hopefully lots of learning.  Next the girls eagerly led us to their surprise...they had made us a was a real treat especially since their smiles surrounded us.  Then we all walked to a fenced in playground while the whole time the girls were asking ¨¨¿Como se dice?¨and pointing at all the objects they wanted us to name.  They asked us to play with them in a vigorous game of soccer which totally wore us out.   After many good byes and see you tomorrow...we walked back to our hotel.