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Thursday, February 20, 2014


Our English lesson with the girls was a Valentine treat for all of us   The girls were thrilled to count to 100 and actually enjoyed taking a quiz with the new red pencils we gave them.  Then we played a review game and everyone ´won´ twice ...receiving a pencil sharpener & a chocolate heart.  The two nuns enjoyed it as much as the girls did and they sent us off with a frozen, chocolate covered banana.    Our 5 p.m. ride to Casa Hogar arrived on time and by 5:15 we had four groups of about 10 kids busy coloring, painting, working on a puzzles and making a Valentine hearts project.  The next hour and a half, we moved kids to each project and incorporated more kids adding projects as the numbers increased...and constantly we were returning the hugs & smiles we were receiving.  Conditions were rough...only a coarse cement floor & dim lighting...but that did not diminish the fun we were all having. 
When we got back to our hotel, we treated each other to a piece of cheese cake.  What a special Valentine Day!