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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Update #34. Tidbits About Australia

Here's a few of the little things I've noted along the way and just don't want to forget!

-Cranes are everywhere!  Could see 12 outside our window in Sydney.
-Read an article in local news saying that they were passing a law requiring kids to be immunized...or lose their health benefits.
-Most school students wear uniforms that include hats with big brims
-Speed limit on most roads is about 50 mph...on major highway 60 mph and nobody was speeding
-Gas prices about $1 per liter
-Easter lilies grow wild here
-Lots of Chinese tourist who tend to travel with large groups and couldn't help but notice that most families consisted of parents with one son.  Actually did a count while we waited in line once:  14 boys to 4 girls...and all the girls had a brother.
-Stores that are Down Under & USA:
McD, 7/11, Target, KFC, Krisby Kreme, IGA, Aldi, Woolworths, Babies R Us, Toys R Us, Little Caesars, Starbucks, Ben & Jerry, KMart and Dominoes

And loving their accents & sayings like:
G'Day and How ya going?
No Worries
Carry On