#25. Ming Kun Xi--Matthew
When Chan woke today, Feb 20, she was a single lady..tonight she rocked her new son to sleep, kissed his forehead & laid him down in a crib next to her bed. A day and a son she'll treasure forever!!!...and I got to watch it from a front row seat and/or behind the camera lens. This morning we were bussed to a gov't building where we sat in a large, well decorated room with lots of toys & 6 other anxious families. The first 2 kids delivered by their orphanages were not Chan's..but we were thrilled to watch each be put in their new parents arms. The loud crying soon subsided & we snapped pictures & felt their joy. Then we saw Matthew walking slowly down the hall. His many layers were topped with a furry tiger outfit. His nanny led him to Chan's open arms and pointed to her saying "Mama." He cried, turned back to his nanny. Chan's face glowed with love as she softly repeated, "Mama, Buyao you gulu (Don't be afraid) Wo Ai Ni." (I love you)." And with a sucker in her outstretched arms...in a few long minutes, Matthew was in her lap & she was his Mama!! Papers were signed, official pictures taken and the nannies answered Chan's questions finding out all she could about his past. Back on the bus, he sat quietly on her lap sucking on his 3rd sucker and watching out the window at his new world. Did he have any idea how drastically his life had changed?? From orphanage to 5 star hotel to soon a Florida home?? We ordered congee, his preferred orphanage food, as soon as we returned to the hotel. I ran out to get Subway for Chan & I. Somehow he'd already become American as he refused the congee & garfed down handfuls of Cheerios & parts of our Subways...and another sucker. When he spotted a bag of a familiar treat (small sweet cookie-like circles) he ate the orphanage and grabbed the bag and snacked on a few but then just used them to play with putting them in Chan's hand & then back in the bag. Soon it was time to meet up with Rita & Tina to do more paper signing...he took the bag with him and it kept him entertained the whole hour as he and I played the game. He got more and more sloppy as time passed dropping them...but always picking each and ever one up...even the crumbs. He was getting tired & acted drunk on goodies. Back in our room, we were surprised by a knock on our door--Tina & Rita with a birthday cake for Chan & Matthew. Since yesterday was Chan's BD in China--it's today in US. And it's Matthew's birthday today! How ironic is that! The birthday cake was not a bit hit to Matthew but several families came down to help eat it up with pleasure! We ate dinner in the hotel restaurant...Matthew's true colors started coming out as he banged on his tray, threw things on floor as said "Na" (Pick up) and spit out food. Chan hid her smile & delight...and scowled and said, "Ba" (No) and made mental notes about what she needed to bring to meals in the future. Back in the room, Chan tried to coax Matthew to let her take off his tiger suit which was only the top layer with two more under it. He screamed...so she only partially removed it, changed his pants & put it back on. Then she rocked him till he fell asleep. What a day...watching Chan & 6 other families' dreams come true!!!
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