Our evenings at base cam are always enjoyable. 5 o'clock meetings are short, light hearted & interesting as we hear about all the groups experiences. Dinners have been fabulous...chicken curry, Chinese, red chili with Jiffy corn bread, egg plant with quinoa, BBQ chicken pizza...all created by AHV's. (I was on the chili/cornbread team). We even had apple & berry pieces with crust from scratch. We have a left-over frig that's free for the taking so that's heaven for Rog. Dinner time is also rich with conversations. We 're enthralled by the experiences we hear about. Average ages is @20. Roger and I are an abnormality due to our age & the only married couple. Staff tells us we are one of the few couples who've worked for AHV...and if they do...usually only one of them is nice :). Kids tell us they want to grow up like us. But we did hear about one couple who celebrated their 75th anniversary here at AHV in Louisiana! Inspiring for us! (See Bob & Elsi--you could join us!).