#33. Unwanted Babies & Old Folks
So how did so many couples avoid having more than one baby from 1979 to 2015?? Our CCAI rep answered that question with one word--abortion. And since only sons were expected to care for their elderly parents ...how did parents assure they'd have a healthy son to care for them--orphanages filled with girls & boys with special needs. Our rep also explained that today that picture has hardly changed as many couples are deciding to only have one child due to the stress to succeed economically. In the meantime, the older population is growing. Here the retirement is truly your children. The court will step in if a child is not supporting their parents & require parent support payments. If a couple does not have kids, they'll get gov't $$. All this seems to be verified by the huge number of orphans & the relatively rare times we've seen couples with even one child & the multitude of elders we've seen exercising & playing in the parks! Wonder how much our parent support check will be??? And when will it come in the mail????
(Ben, Bek, Jake???)
#34 Count Down to Home Sweet Home...for Chan & MM anyways. Finally...the last hoop...the US Constable who told Chan--I hope to issue MM's VIsa by tomorrow. Well let's hope so cause we're leaving early the next day and we're NOT leaving with out MM!! We're really not worried as CCAI is a well oiled machine. It has adopted over 12,000 children. Our rep has helped over 1000 families...that's 1000 less orphans in China. Reminds me of a Japanese legend that anyone who creates 1000 organizations cranes will be granted a wish. (Sadako & the Paper Cranes). In this case...1000 wishes HAVE been granted!! Who knew the 1000 cranes could be mechanical instead!
Today we strolled through a beautiful park with manicured bushes & gorgeous gardens of provinces, begonias, canvas, impatients, , poppies, salvia--boasting every color of the rainbow. The apple & cherry trees were loaded with blooms. I noticed all the blooms...but Chan seemed only to notice MM. She laughed continually as he performed antic after antic encouraging her delighted response. He'd run ahead only to turn around & run as fast as his chubby legs could go to her. She beamed with pride as many Chinese stopped to talk to him. We could have been in a sand pit and as long as MM was there she'd loved it...and I was so glad I was with them...in this very special time and in this beautiful park!
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