My birthday! Sun shone brightly into our room...a birthday treat for me! Ate breakfast at our hotel...impressive buffet..then off to RE. Rog did some one on one teaching with a priest, Joshua. For 1 1/2 hours he pronounced & explained the meaning of words Joshua didn't know from the Bible! Imagine that...Rog teaching a priest about the Bible. Cracked me up! I copied & stapled English midterm test and then both of us edited an English power point presentation the Doctor here prepared & is going to give. She needed help with the grammar & spelling.
While we were eating lunch, a young boy selling flowers kept giving me pleading eyes as he sat on the curb with cars rushing by within inches. I couldn't resist so I got flowers for my birthday. :)
We got our lesson plans for the class we're teaching later when we got back so we spent some time prepping. It's a beginners class of 20 some students. We practiced introductions, saying the letters names & the correct way to use Mr., Mrs. and Miss. The students were engaged & freely participated. It was fun & easy for us!
On our way back to our room, we stopped to buy rich desserts which we thoroughly enjoyed. The miracle of Messenger made it possible for me to get birthday wishes from most of my kids & grandkids!! I stayed up late reading the Facebook birthday wishes & felling very special.
So another birthday in another country...lucky me!!
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