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Monday, January 14, 2019

Update 5

We were in the think of it today. First met with the priest in charge of prison ministry & got info needed for tomorrow's visit. Then registered refugees & later signed them up for English classes. Did some English assessments. Sorted clothing & helped distribute. And in between, visited with the refugees whenever & however possible. Many spoke a little English. They were from Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia and many from Eritrea...a country I'd never heard of! When I told a young man that...he laughed & said his chat box friends say the same thing...he also said he'd learned English on chat box. Who'd a thunk?? Another young man from there said he left home because everyone, girls & boys, had to join the military for their entire life. Met a young man from Sudan who'd left his University where he'd been studying engineering & on the soccer team. Said it was just too dangerous. A fellow from Syria was headed home. I asked how he felt about USA pulling out & he shook his head & said ISIS will get much stronger. I loved hearing the young girls giggling & visiting & seeing them help each other answer my questions. It was interesting to note that often they were not from the same country but seemed to be friends. Some wore hijab, some burqa & others nothing...seemed not a problems for them. Why to so many in this war torn world????
It was a long, busy day...but so rewarding!

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