We're in an island surrounded by the Nile. This morning we took a stroll around the north section. Passed lots of embassy's : Iraq, Oman, Saudi Arabia, etc.. All were heavily guarded. Got in the line at what seemed like the hot spot for lunch and got our first taameya—delicious deep fried hummus mixed with shredded verges, chopped cabbage & carrots all stuffed in a pita bread—which we watched ladies form & back as we waited for our sandwiches. It's a very traditional sandwich & cheap...4 for $1.50. Headed off for "work" next where I helped in the fundraising office for a while while Rog conversed with refugees waiting. From 3-6, we did more assessments. Since I'm doing the oral testing, I get to spend time visiting (while assessing). It's fascinating hearing their stories & their dreams. They are so very eager to learn more so they can get better jobs. Many wish they could go home but feel it's too dangerous. Their eyes sparkle with hope. I think of those trying to get into USA and I hurt for them. A Brazilian minister we me was asked to pastor in a Texas church & US denied him twice. Really!?
Jeremiah 22:3 is found on the Refuge Egypt website: "The Lord proclaims, do what is just & right; rescue the oppressed from the power of the oppressor. Don't exploit or mistreat the refugee, orphan or widow. "
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