Another food distribution day...
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Sometimes someone speaks broken English to us, telling us a little bit about them.
Jakob is from Ethiopia. He says he is not safe at home because there is so much violence. He says he is also not safe in Egypt because Egyptians hate Ethiopians because of Ethiopia is building a dam on the Nile. He is proud to wear a cross and prayer before each meal even though he's been told not to. He recited Matthew 10:39 to me:
He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.
A young Mom holding a child about 18 months old told me so is struggling . Her husband was killed in Sudan.
A lady with tears running down her cheeks looked so tired. She let me hug her for a long time but said nothing.
I did some research on their home countries and the current political state:
Eritrea: dictator/no media allowed/all must join & remain in the army...forced labor/imprisonments for any whim of disagreement/no religious freedom.
Sudan & Syria: still war zone with many random killings
Ethiopia: violence especially against certain ethnic groups
These are the refugees we meet.
That is what they are running from. Who leaves their home & all they've known? People who are desperate to find safety...a better life. Wouldn't you??