Sometimes Egyptian kids follow us saying "Money, money, money". Even beggars have done nothing more than hold out their hand or put it to their mouth indicating hunger. Some adults have approached us saying, "Money". Many nights we walk by an older lady sitting on a chair in the same spot holding out a small package of Kleenex. She simply smiles and never says anything. We have about 15 packages in our drawer. Another man lies on a blanket propped up by a wooden crate surrounded by vases of flowers...often reading a newspaper. He always smiles at us too. No one has threatened us even when we don't choose to give to them. They simply leave us alone thinking about our choice.
I have seen many Egyptians reach into their pocket & slip an Egyptian pound or two into the hands of these marginalized people. Several times our taxi driver pulls over and rolls down his window to give money to a person sitting beside the road with hand outstretched. He has a bit more than they do and it is his choice to share what he has. I admire his quiet acknowledgment of their plight.
I am also proud of our country because I know many Americans give from their abundance to help others in all parts of the world.