Saying good bye to our class was tough. They are a great group of "kids"... 17 - 40ish. About 20 of them showed each Tuesday & Saturday for 1 1/2 hours to improve their English. They were attentive, actively participated and worked hard at trying to understand our lessons. If they failed to understand, they asked questions & kept trying.
They loved it when Rog or I got silly or when we bounced innocent jabs back & forth between us.
We were so very pleased that most of them did very well on their midterm exam. And we told them so! Some, of course, wished they'd done better.
I read Leo the Late Bloomer to them after trying to explain that everyone learns at their own rate. When I got to the page where Leo of the kids shouted out, "That's us!!" Teaching is so very rewarding!!!
We had the students each write a short story about themselves so we could keep a piece of each of them.
And then we met in the court yard for cookies & juice and pictures.
Our last class was the next week. We covered the necessary lesson and then Rog blew up a balloon and told them who ever caught the balloon could ask anyone a question using English.
They loved asking us questions. A few used their turn to thank us and one even asked himself a question!
I won't write about each one...but I must put down a I won't forget...
Zebeb: early on I noticed she was leaning over very close to her book to read...I asked if she could see the board..nope. I asked if I could try to get her glasses. She smiled. After talking to the RE director, she got an eye exam and had new glasses 2 weeks later!! That sure made both of us very happy!!
Akmed: Such a huge smile, struggled but kept trying. Told me, "I was made you say? Intelligent? Yes! "
Hussein said, "We will really miss you! " Rog told him we'll miss them, too. He replied, " Not as much as we will miss you. You bring us hope. I will never forget you."
An unknown girl who wore a niqab (so only her eyes were visible) was in the class that met after our class ended. She said to Rog: "I'll miss you and remember you." Why?
These are the treasures we store in our hearts...the reason we love volunteering.
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