My birthday! Rog headed to the bike shop & I went to school where I spent the day in Level 1. At break, the head master asked if I had any suggestions. After praising him for much of what they are doing, I noted there was a lot of down time especially while the teacher is taking attendance & collecting lunch money. I also had noticed that the kids did not ever have the opportunity to look at books so why not then! I told him he'd have to firmly set ground rules & tell the kids books were a gift that should get the utmost care. I suggested the books to be sitting on their desk when they came in. He said he thought that was brilliant and he loved having visitors improve his school. I left hoping for the best. At dinner, the staff presented me with a birthday cake with two speakers. Delicious chocolate cake & ice cream was served to us and all the staff! Then a band came & played for us. It was only Carol & Mark and us but they put on a great show playing the kora, two sets of drums and had a singer. Two locals came over and started dancing & encouraged us to join them. We tried to mimic their moves. Rog said he felt like Steve Martin in the Jerk! The last song was a happy birthday to me. I spent the next hour responding to birthday messages and went to bed feeling very blessed.
Up and out the next morning Rog took another Gunjur Project bike to work on. He was walking it cause the gears were messed up. A young man stopped & helped him and then ask for payment. Fortunately he had his left over breakfast of French toast & a pb&j sandwich which the young man gladly took. As it turned out, the wife of one of the mechanics brought everyone lunch so Rog joined them happily. His words: They gave me part of a baguette and we all gathered around the dish which was put on the cement floor of the bike shop porch( our work area). Using just the bread everyone soaked up the spicy liquid and pulled out parts of the fish for their lunch. I shared a small amount. Pretty 🌶!
And me…I got the best ever belated birthday gift!! When I got to school, there were books on each kids desk! At the end of the morning assembly, the head master asked me to talk to the kids about the books. I told the kids that there was a gift on their desk & then explained the rules which the head master translated with much enthusiasm & emphasized the care needed. Then every kids went to their desk and quietly enjoyed books!! I went from room to room showing proper orientation, pointing out things in pictures and smiling from ear to ear. I later talked to the teacher who liked it also. One asked me to read to a small group and another to the class. I cleaned up each classroom library taking the books in poor shape to the office. Who knows how long these books had just sat there. So finally, books were a part of their days!!
Wednesday we were suppose to go on an outing but the Land Rover wouldn't start so Rog went off to the bike shop. I offered to help sort & straighten the Gunjur Project library. They have lots of books and it needed some TLC. We ate dinner with Carol & Mark again…which we have the last several nights as we are the only guest right now. They are travelers too so we have a lot to talk about. All of us are especially enjoying the sweet & sour chicken meal so it seems we order that most often. We all have devoured their desserts. Tonight it was coconut cake & ice cream. Sweet way to end the day!