Lucky to be alive! My students were outside using their rulers to measure sticks when they told me that they were not allowed in the garden because a snake had been seen there (Mom and I like to go through the garden when we have time for a walk). Then they said that there was a black mambo behind one of the cottages....I asked if it was dangerous and they told me that it wasn't dangerous for me. It just eats children. We really don't have much to worry about because the guards have a bow and arrow and the head ofmaintenance has an air rifle. During lunch the teachers assured me thatthe story about the snake was probably just that. However Dougreportedly saw a king cobra on a path here over the weekend. A mongoosewas about to attack it but got scared off when he came along.Just two more days until we get to go see some real wildlife! I'm gettingexcited about the safari this Friday-Sunday. Love, Dad