We went to the same church we attended last week...and since there are so few places to visit...we opted to stay for two services...both weeks. Kinda making up for weeks we didn't go! Like DUMC, first service is more traditional & second with a praise band. I was hoping to go to a different church for an additional experience...but Jr thought it best we go to the same...and guess God did too...here's why. After church as we waited for our ride, the senior pastor, Rev. Samson Lowa came over to welcome us & chat. He said he' seen us last week and hoped to meet us. He'd been to USA several times as he was on the United Church board...which includes Methodist. When he asked why we were here, we told him about Tembari. He'd been there. We spoke of how hard the teachers worked, crowded conditions & no supplies. He was shaking his head and agreeing. I said we left with many questions. He said he questioned much when he was there. So I gave him a summary of our experience. He was not surprised and said he needs to look into the matter. So...maybe...maybe...with his influence (and our prayers)...some positive changes can still happen at Tembari.