The last couple days we spent mostly at HelpOki. Chris needed to make a detailed inventory of all the items in the personal care section and the pampers. I can tell you they definitely have enough toothbrushes but need combs! We also put lots of clothes on hangers, vacuumed, washed mirrors & did some dusting. Rog sprayed weed-killer along the fence. As we worked, we chatted with the other volunteers several who spoke some English. A group of 2nd graders came through on a tour bringing donations with them and many questions. Most spoke English so that was fun. At 1:30, Chris picked us up & we met his wife, Yuku and her friend at a shopping mall. We'd told Chris a few days ago that friends of ours had donated $410 & asked him to decide the best way to spend it. He contacted one of the orphanages he helps with and found out they were setting up a practice kitchen for kids graduating who would soon be needing to fend for themselves. Each graduate would get 2 weeks to practice living on his own. The kitchen needed to be stocked so that's how the $$ could be spent. Also, the orphanage housed 80 kids so laundry soap was a huge expense. It was comical watching Yuku & her friend discuss what to buy. They filled the basket with pots, pans, bowls, strainer, cutting boards, knives, etc. etc. Then they filled another basket with laundry soap. Everyone was pretty excited when we got to the orphanage to drop off the donations. The director posed for pictures with us and profusely thanked us. I thanked him for caring for these kids all the time. He said he was touched that I realized and appreciated what he did. It was an honor to accept a framed thank you note on behalf of the donations we received from those attending our CFUMC presentation & Shan. Sure wish they could have felt the love and appreciation! We were then given a tour of the "practice apartment" where the grads will spend 2 weeks. Kids crowded around us as we got in our car waving and smiling…obviously well cared for.
Back story: There are 8 orphanages in Okinawa. When I asked why so many, I was told 3 reasons-military base, island mentality of doing whatever, and talking about sex was taboo so kids got no sex ed. HelpOki has been a big donator to all the orphanages but Chris wanted to do more than just give them stuff. He made it his mission to get involved directly. His offer to have holiday parties, sporting events, etc. were denied time after time. Finally one of them said HelpOki could mow the grass and cut down the weeds. They did this for 2 years before finally they were told they could have a BBQ for the kids. Finally they trusted HelpOki. Since then they've have lots of events like trunk or treat, graduation parties, summer fun events, etc. at most of the orphanages. Building trust took 2 years but now love flows freely back & forth. We left there feeling pretty happy…but also hungry so we went to a Steak House which served the meat on a sizzling black stone. Delicious! Yuku said she was so glad that Chris was getting to spend time with midwesterners cause he missed being home and for him, we felt like family. Of course, we invited them to come to stay with us anytime and I think they just might!