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Sunday, March 2, 2014


I asked Sister Liz if they would be sending someone to the USA to be trained as a doctor and then return to work here...without hesitation she said, "NO, they would never return.  Instead I need to find doctors who will come here and train using the equipment and medicine available here.  IF I can find a Guatemalan doctor willing to do it.  Doctors here get little training and nothing once they graduate...few other read another word...diagnostic testing is rare...instead there is lots of guessing & useless drugs are prescribed.  Unfortunately most are in it only for the money. "  Example:  Yesterday a young lady hobbled in...she had been to a Guat doctor three months ago because she had hurt her foot.  He gave her a shot (not sure what) in her calf and sent her home with vitamins.  She now has a bone infection in her broken foot and her calf is almost more painful than her foot.