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Sunday, March 2, 2014
Our long drive to and from town gave us a chance to learn more about many things...including the current nun situation in USA: very few are joining and many have left the other words, nuns are almost "nun-" existence. The average age of the Presentation sisters is 80. Many of the current nuns are working in the private sector to support their fellow sisters. Nuns have played a major role in the USA starting many hospitals, schools & social programs for the needy. In the past many young girls entered the convent because it was the only way for poor girls to get the education to become a nurse, teacher or social worker...and/or it provided a warm place to live & meals...and/or they felt the calling from God. In our travels we have met communities of nuns we have met in India (Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity) and here in Guatemala (Marte y Maria). We see them doing just what the USA nuns did earlier in our history: seeing a need and reaching out to help...being God's hands.