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Sunday, March 2, 2014


After working on projects for about 5 hours, we devoured a BBQ rib dinner with mashed potatoes & corn prepared by Sister Liz & then Sister Annie took us on a tour of the area...and lent me her camera so I was snapping photos as fast as a clock ticks.  We drove down main street & a few side streets.  Many locals recognized the Sisters' jeep & they smiled & waved & let me take their picture.  We went to the home of a family that the Sisters are helping.  The alcoholic father threw out his wife & their 7 kids.  They had been living in the woods for almost 2 year.  The Sisters helped by hiring 3 of the kids and giving them a no interest loan so they could build a simple home.  Before we left the USA, we had asked if there were any needs here.  The Sisters asked for $ for school tuition for these kids as they had not been able to attend school for 2 years.  The DUMC Women's Group & WOW generously donated the full amount.  As you might imagine, we were warmly welcomed into their home & thanked over and over.  I loved having a chance to play games with the 3 little ones.  We toured their neat, dirt floor, adobe, tin roofed home with no electricity and one window.  They proudly showed us their garden & outside pila with running water for washing clothes where the drain water was used by their pig.  Before we left, Sister Annie told them about Claire's upcoming operation and they promised to pray for her.  Then we held hands and said the Our Father together...3 languages...Mam, Spanish & English...all in perfect harmony.