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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Fwd: #41. On to Limon. #42. Wildlife in Tortuguera

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From: Jane boyce <>
Date: March 13, 2017 at 6:27:25 PM AST
To: Jane boyce <>
Subject: #41. On to Limon. #42. Wildlife in Tortuguera

#41 On to Limon
Another bus ride gave me more time to take in the view.  Costa Rica is covered in shades of lush greens...from the mountains to the valleys.  We drove through miles & miles of banana trees with their blue bags bulging with ripening fruit.  Hundreds of Dole and Chiquita shipping boxes were stacked high as we got closer to the port of Limon.  We counted 11 cargo ships and a cruise ship in the harbor.  The majority of homes we see are cement with correlated roofs each with a dish on top and large covered front porches where comfy chairs wait for the owners.  One thing that interrupts this pleasant picture is the large number of homes & businesses with walls or fences topped with circular barbed a stretched out slinky with barbs.  Hope those can disappear soon.  Fried chicken &  seafood both served with rice and French fries are the staples here.  Yup both rice & FF!  As soon as we arrived at our hotel, we jumped in the pool & that's where we spent the next 6 - 7 hours taking a short break to walk the black, sparkling beach.   Glories way to spend a couple days!

#42. Wildlife in Tortuguero
On the east shore, there's a river/canal that runs from Moin to Tortuguero with just a narrow strip of land separating it from the Caribbean Ocean.  It took us over 3 hours by boat giving us a great chance to spot sloths, monkeys & many birds as well as much flora.  I do love boat rides!  Tortuguero is a Nat'l Park & can only be reached by boat.  It's claim to fame is 3 species of turtles lay their eggs here so birth to millions of turtles.  Though we missed the season, we soaked in the jungle taking a canoe ride that squeezed into small tributaries.  Besides more sloth, monkeys & birds, we also saw caiman staring back at us.  Gliding quietly, we listened to the howler monkey & many bird calls.  
The town of Tortuguero is small with just one main walkway.  Small homes are stuck between the town & beach.  It's a place where dogs, cats, chickens & kids freely roam.  It feels far from anywhere...especially far from our kids & kids who were together this weekend.  Wish we were with them...but here too!
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