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From: Jane boyce <>
Date: January 20, 2018 at 8:35:45 PM AST
To: Jane boyce <>
Subject: Update 1
Update 1Our plane was full of Puerto Ricans who cheered and clapped as we landed in San Juan. They were so delighted to be home! The city looked and felt much like it was last year when we were here except that most the traffic lights were not functioning so all the intersections were like a round about without the circle. Glad Rog was driving! Fresh paint & new awnings were everywhere on the beach strip. Things looked a bit worse when you drove down a little ways out and down the side streets. A couple miles out of town, that's where the electric poles are laying sideways and the rubbish piles line the road.We had great conversations with several people...they are so upbeat & grateful for all the support they are getting...mostly from their neighbors but also from the mainland. Here's a few tidbits we heard:-We feel hugged by the mainland.-The hurricane brought out the humanitarian heart .-We didn't wait for the gov't...we cleared our streets, shared our food & ice.-PR showed strength, unity & compassion.-If we had any extra, we knew there was someone who could use it so we gave it to them.-Yes it was very hard but we will go forward.Not once did we hear anyone complain...just great positive attitudes!
We were successful in getting the solar generator that Faith Fowler from Cass Community Services in Detroit left for us. It was built by homeless people cool is it that they are helping those in need in PR! The storage unit we thought we'd lined up, fell through (no big shock) but Faith's friend, Maria Teresa stored it for us. That turned out to be a great experience as we spent a good hour visiting her. She'd met Faith at a Church & Society board meeting in Washington years ago. She said that's where they fought for justice & truth for all. Our Church & Society class at home always begins class by reciting Micah 6:8: What does the Lord require of us: to do what is right & love mercy. It's a small world!