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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Fwd: Update 9

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From: Jane boyce <>
Date: January 30, 2018 at 9:40:18 PM AST
To: Jane boyce <>
Subject: Update 9

Catch up time...

Sunday we went to church...And there was no one going to fall asleep during this service.  Besides the praise band's lively playing...especially the trumpet player..there were 4 people in the pews around us playing various percussion instruments.  We had been told we'd be ask to talk...we told them how much we appreciate their warm welcome, how their faith inspired us, how impressed we were that they were helping others even while their own home needed repair.  We told their burden was a bit lighter knowing that we & DUMC cared & prayed for them.  Elsi then played only she can...What a Friend We Have in Jesus.  The church was rock'in.  The closing song was Let it Rain Down Blessings from Heaven.  We couldn't imagine how they could sing that after Maria even if the song referred to blessings raining down..not water.  Such faith.

Lunch was delivered again by a church lady & then we took off to explore.  Headed to Ponce taking the back roads.  Ended up enjoying an ocean front area with small shops & places to eat.  Then we searched for a restaurant someone recommended.  It was tricky but we found it & had a delicious fish dinner..though the "fish water" wasn't a hit.  

Monday at 8 we were in a Kindergarten singing, reading aloud, doing puzzles & playing Doggie, Doggie Where's Your legacy!  Guys stayed home & put up lights for the parking lot.  All four & Mariely* emptied out the church nursery that had flooded & been used for various donation.  We scrubbed it and everything in it with bleach & soap then sprayed it down with the hose.  Washed windows, screens, curtains, crib bedding, and toys.  Boys fixed broken window cranks & drawers.  It felt so good to put it all back together...shiny & clean!  

  *Mariely...she's everywhere and does everything:  plays & sings in band, church secretary, designed & painted nursery room mural, translates for us & seems to be at 80% of the work sites with us.  She's one energized woman!

  And finally, today...after a quick hour in another Kindergarten room, we had to take our comrades in arms...or should I say the helping arms of our the airport.  We'll sure miss them and their help but so glad to have shared this unique experience with them!  While in San Juan, we hunted down new mattresses for the baby cribs, glass for front door & a few other items not found in Manaubo.  Since last time we were in SJ, several traffic lights had been replaced..not all so it still is a bit like driving in a twilight zone.  We took the east coast road home and passed by a huge field of totally smashed solar panels and about 20 wind mills missing at least one of their blades...several missing all of them.  We heard inside Maria were at least 4 tornadoes & there'd been an earthquake also.  It seems PR had taken one step two steps backwards.  Such a humongous mess to clean up before they can begin again.  But we also saw ABIERTO (OPEN) signs on many businesses..even if they were in disrepair.  Also proudly posted are signs reading:  Puerto Rico Strong.  I strongly agree.